
杰瑞米 (Jeremy Rossman) 是一名麻省理工学院 (MIT) 的学生,但是他实在不想再忍受昂贵的学费了。麻省理工学院9个月的学费加生活费高达150万台币 (44720美金)。   于是他决定退学,并且建立了一所他称之为「反抗大学体系」的设施重新定义了教育的意义。 廣告1   他和共

December 7, 2015

杰瑞米 (Jeremy Rossman) 是一名麻省理工学院 (MIT) 的学生,但是他实在不想再忍受昂贵的学费了。麻省理工学院9个月的学费加生活费高达150万台币 (44720美金)。

Jeremy Rossman was sick of his growing student loan debt, especially since he went to MIT. There, undergraduate and living expenses for 9 months is  $44,720.



Instead of just letting the higher-education system keep him down, he decided to do something about it. He dropped out of MIT and re-invented the whole damn thing, which he calls the anti-college.


他和共同创办人Ashu Desai将这所位于加州旧金山的大学体系替代教育设施称为「The Make School」。

With co-founder Ashu Desai, they created The Make School, a college replacement program for founders and developers, in San Francisco, California.



The school gives students the option to not pay tuition upfront, making them debt-free.  The model only charges students once they find employment after graduation. So, if you find yourself unemployed after being a student at The Make School, they suffer right along with you.



There are no tests. Instead, it’s all project-based work. Rossman says “Our core philosophy is if you teach the same thing two years in a row, it’s got to be wrong because computer science as a field and software engineering as a discipline is moving so fast.”


到了9月,The Make School正式开学第一年就收到了接近30个全天学生,其中包含多数特地离开正式大学教育体系的大学学生。这里的学生都共同生活在宿舍中,由于他们的位置就在旧金山,他们亦能时常接触到矽谷的科技公司。

In September, The Make School started their first year with almost 30 full-time students, with many who left traditional universities to take a swing at the alternative learning environment. They all live together in dorm-style housing. Since they’re in San Fran, they have access to top tech companies in Silicon Valley.



Besides programming, Rossman also offers classes focused on everyday life, such as nutrition, health, exercise and writing. “And then some more generic life skills, communication, empathy, understanding the history of tech and then a big segment on ethics,” Rossman adds. “So Uber, what do we think? Airbnb, where do we stand? Is it okay to start a company in that way? Is it beneficial for society? Are the laws out of date? How does this all work behind the scenes?”



Obviously, not everyone has welcomed this progressive way of learning with open arms. Rossmann has a rebuttal for them: “When LinkedIn and Lyft and these companies with tens of millions of dollars of funding are all committing contractually to coming and recruit here, and they don’t come to the school where your child is studying, that means something.”

来源:the Chive


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