他冒生命危险每天「载1万公升水」到干旱区 500头水牛「低头感谢他」

1. 为了帮助生活在西察沃国家公园 (Tsavo West National Park) 的野生动物,肯亚原住民帕特里克 (Patrick Kilonzo Mwalua) 每天都会开车几小时的车把超过1万公升的干净淡水带到公园里。   2. 「那里完全没有水,动物需要依靠人类生活。如果我们不帮助他们的话,动

May 20, 2021

1. 为了帮助生活在西察沃国家公园 (Tsavo West National Park) 的野生动物,肯亚原住民帕特里克 (Patrick Kilonzo Mwalua) 每天都会开车几小时的车把超过1万公升的干净淡水带到公园里。

Kenya native Patrick Kilonzo Mwalua really knows how to get on the good side of the animals of Tsavo West National Park. When they hear his truck rumbling, they come running in droves. You might think he’s some kind of animal whisperer, but gaining favor is a lot easier than you think: all he does is drive hours every single day with a truck filled with 3,000 gallons of fresh water. Simple, right?


2. 「那里完全没有水,动物需要依靠人类生活。如果我们不帮助他们的话,动物都会因没有水喝而死。」耕作豌豆的农夫帕特里克表示。

Mwalua is literally saving the lives of the wild animals living in the park. "There is completely no water, so the animals are depending on humans," Mwalua tells The Dodo. "If we don't help them, they will die.”


3. 他看到气候变化对土地的恶劣影响后,想出了这个办法。由于土地过份干燥,动物从去年开始慢慢死亡。 「从去年6月开始,完全没有下雨。所以我开始给动物水喝,如果我不这样做,他们会死。」

The pea farmer came up with the idea after seeing just how bad the climate change had taken on his native land. The animals are left to die due to the dry, cracked lands, especially in the last year. "We aren't really receiving rain the way we used to," he says. "From last year, from June, there was no rain completely. So I started giving animals water because I thought, 'If I don't do that, they will die.’"


4. 他填补了原本有水的地方,而动物也不再害怕人类和车子。「昨晚,我发现有500只水牛在旁等待。当我到达时,他们知道水来了,慢慢地接近我们。水牛开始喝水,而我就站在旁边,他们似乎非常兴奋。」

Mwalua fills the holes in the region with water where it’s desperately needed. These animals are no longer afraid of the lifesaver and crowd the truck as he lets the water flow. "Last night, I found 500 buffalo waiting at the water hole," he says. "When I arrived they could smell the water. The buffalo were so keen and coming close to us,” Mwalua described. "They started drinking water while I was standing there. They get so excited.”


5. 41岁的他在有空闲的时候,经营了一个叫「TSAVO志愿者」的慈善机构,会访问当地学校,教育儿童了解野生动物。「我决定努力提高小孩保护自然的意识,当他们长大后,可以接手保护野生动物的工作。」

The 41-year-old also runs a conservation project in his spare time called TSAVO Volunteers and visits local school to educate children on wildlife. "I was born around here and grew up with wildlife and got a lot of passion about wildlife," he says. "I decided to bring awareness to this so when they grow up they can protect their wildlife.”


6. 去年开始,他租了一辆货车,每天开车到公园里的几个地方,为动物送水。「因为卡车很重,不会很快,所以我们必须非常耐心。」

The whole thing started last year when Mwalua began renting a truck and driving to several locations in the park. He soon expanded his mission to multiple trucks and now he’s on the road for hours every day. "The truck is heavy and doesn't go very fast," he says. "We have to be very patient and go deliver water.”


7. 幸运地,他的努力使他得到了来自美国的帮助。一名康乃狄克州女子到肯亚探访他,了解更多有关当地的状况。

Luckily he now has some help all the way from the United States. "I visited Kenya December of 2015, though I didn't know Patrick at the time or meet him," Connecticut resident Angie Brown said. She was still haunted by the plight of the animals in the country and decided to do something.


8. 她和另外2两名美国志工从不同方面帮助帕特里克,包括筹款活动和夜间巡逻,让大象远离村庄。他们都非常欣赏他在环境非常干旱的时候,努力地让动物活着。「他对野生动物的付出是不可测量的,甚至试过冒着生命危险,在半夜把水送到一个干的水池。」

After the most recent drought she reached out on Facebook with Cher Callaway and Tami Calliope. Together the three help out Mwalua however they can, including fundraisers for beehives and night patrols to gently keep elephants away from the villages. They admire his commitment to keeping the animals alive during the drought. "His commitment to the wildlife and his heritage is unmeasurable,” Callaway says. "Even risking his own life in the middle of the night to deliver water to a dry water hole.”


9. 在募款活动中,他们得到了超过19000美元 (约58万新台币) 的资助,世界各地的人都被他送水、尽力拯救动物的行为感动了。

The biggest contribution is their GoFundMe page that has collected over $19,000 so far from people all over the world. All of the proceeds go to Mwalua’s water delivery.


10. 来自美国的志工们表示,很希望有一天他可以买下一台货车,这样就不用再花钱借车子载水了。

"We have all spent a lot of time getting the word out about the animals Patrick is helping and the GoFundMe has been a real success," Brown says. "He needs so much more money though.” They hope to one day buy him his own truck.


11. 为了让动物活下来,他从未要求回报地付出时间和金钱。「我出生在这里,与野生动物一起长大,我会一直尽全力保护动物的。」

Regardless of funds, Mwalua will find a way to keep hydrating the animals of his homeland. Talk about a random act of kindness.

袋鼠「站立白骨照」双手伸直:救救我…  干旱画面让人想落泪!
干旱、水库见底「水鬼恐蒸发?」 民俗专家解惑「不只在水里」

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分類:世界, 动物
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