
1. 空服员因为薪水高、可以藉职务之便环游世界,成为许多人称羡的梦幻职业,但其实空服员还有一项不为人知的超棒福利,那就是独享高空美景!   2. 这些照片是从飞机驾驶舱所拍摄的景致。 廣告1   3. 一位33岁荷兰资深副驾驶 Christiaan van Heijst拍下这些令人震慑的绝

September 23, 2016

1. 空服员因为薪水高、可以藉职务之便环游世界,成为许多人称羡的梦幻职业,但其实空服员还有一项不为人知的超棒福利,那就是独享高空美景!

These astonishing pictures taken from an airplane cockpit reveal what pilots see from above. This image shows a cloud illuminated with lightning between Beijing and Shanghai. Van Heijst said: 'The cloud here seen on our left started to appear on our weather radar only a few minutes before and started to show off an amazing display of lightning that grew ever more intense. When we got closer, we saw that the cloud was going to burst through our flight path and we had to deviate up to 10km to avoid flying into this cell'


2. 这些照片是从飞机驾驶舱所拍摄的景致。

The scenes are amazing, with thunderstorms lighting up the insides of clouds, lightning streaking across the sky like cracks in a windscreen, the Northern Lights sweeping uninterrupted across the atmosphere and the galaxy stretching on forever. This image was taken over Canada


3. 一位33岁荷兰资深副驾驶 Christiaan van Heijst拍下这些令人震慑的绝佳景色:

The pictures were captured by senior first officer Christiaan van Heijst, a 33-year-old from the Netherlands, and his friend Daan Krans


4. 今年七月份,他从芝加哥飞往阿姆斯特丹时途经多伦多,被眼前的美景深深折服!

As Van Heijst and his colleague Luca flew over Toronto this July on their way from Chicago to Amsterdam they were treated to a stunning view of a heavy thunderstorm and faint Northern Lights as the icing on the cake



Van Heijst and Krans run a company called Amazing-Aviation, which specialises in eye-catching photos of planes and the views from them



Van Heijst said of this amazing image: 'A beautiful show of Northern Lights over Canada, while a few active thunderstorms are illuminating the atmosphere from below. One of the most impressive things I have ever seen'


7. 埃及沙漠上空的银河:

The Milky Way as seen from the cockpit during a flight over the Sinai desert in Egypt


8. 印尼的满天星空:

This stunning image was taken from the cockpit of a 747 cargo plane in India, a canopy of stars making for an incredible view



Van Heijst said: 'When viewing a big storm of Northern Lights or an active thunderstorm I feel very small and insignificant, compared to the raw energy, beauty and size that plays out in front of me'



Flying large cargo planes around the world, Van Heijst takes photos from the cockpit when his fellow pilots are flying, and when the thunderstorms are not so severe as to greatly affect the flying



Van Heijst, who began learning to fly as a 14-year-old, said: 'Ever since I started my first job as a pilot, I felt the need to capture the atmosphere of the unique views that I had from the cockpit'



Van Heijst said: 'I know very well that trying to take a perfect picture is an eternal and fruitless goal, but I do my best and allow my viewers the sometimes jaw-dropping views that I share with them'
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分類:艺术, 世界
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