
日本裔雕刻师 Yoshitoshi Kanemaki金卷 芳俊 把一块木头雕刻成一种”混合体”的艺术。她的艺术中往往都是有多数个生命体连接在一起,就好像在暗示着我们人们每个人都有很多种不同的性格。值得一提的是,刚刚有提到,所有金卷 芳俊的雕刻全部都是从一整块木头

March 14, 2014

日本裔雕刻师 Yoshitoshi Kanemaki金卷 芳俊 把一块木头雕刻成一种”混合体”的艺术。她的艺术中往往都是有多数个生命体连接在一起,就好像在暗示着我们人们每个人都有很多种不同的性格。值得一提的是,刚刚有提到,所有金卷 芳俊的雕刻全部都是从一整块木头雕刻出来的,所以如果从这个角度来看,这些作品的雕工其实是非常高难度的。


Unusual Sculptures of People and Skeletons Chiseled from Wood by Yoshitoshi Kanemaki wood sculpture

Unusual Sculptures of People and Skeletons Chiseled from Wood by Yoshitoshi Kanemaki wood sculpture


Unusual Sculptures of People and Skeletons Chiseled from Wood by Yoshitoshi Kanemaki wood sculpture


Unusual Sculptures of People and Skeletons Chiseled from Wood by Yoshitoshi Kanemaki wood sculpture

Unusual Sculptures of People and Skeletons Chiseled from Wood by Yoshitoshi Kanemaki wood sculpture

Unusual Sculptures of People and Skeletons Chiseled from Wood by Yoshitoshi Kanemaki wood sculpture

Unusual Sculptures of People and Skeletons Chiseled from Wood by Yoshitoshi Kanemaki wood sculpture

Yoshitoshi Kanemaki - Empty Kingdom - Art Blog 
Yoshitoshi Kanemaki - Empty Kingdom - Art Blog  
Yoshitoshi Kanemaki - Empty Kingdom - Art Blog
Yoshitoshi Kanemaki - Empty Kingdom - Art Blog
Yoshitoshi Kanemaki - Empty Kingdom - Art Blog
Yoshitoshi Kanemaki - Empty Kingdom - Art Blog 
Yoshitoshi Kanemaki - Empty Kingdom - Art Blog
Yoshitoshi Kanemaki - Empty Kingdom - Art Blog
Yoshitoshi Kanemaki - Empty Kingdom - Art Blog
Yoshitoshi Kanemaki - Empty Kingdom - Art Blog 
Yoshitoshi Kanemaki - Empty Kingdom - Art Blog
Yoshitoshi Kanemaki - Empty Kingdom - Art Blog  
Yoshitoshi Kanemaki - Empty Kingdom - Art Blog 
Yoshitoshi Kanemaki - Empty Kingdom - Art Blog 
Yoshitoshi Kanemaki - Empty Kingdom - Art Blog
Yoshitoshi Kanemaki - Empty Kingdom - Art Blog 
Yoshitoshi Kanemaki - Empty Kingdom - Art Blog
Yoshitoshi Kanemaki - Empty Kingdom - Art Blog 
Yoshitoshi Kanemaki - Empty Kingdom - Art Blog
Yoshitoshi Kanemaki - Empty Kingdom - Art Blog

来源: Empty Kingdom, Juxtapoz

如果你对她的艺术有兴趣的话,还可以去这几个地方看看: Fuma Contemporary,Art Emporer,及 Elsa Art Gallery。


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加入粉絲團! 这名日本雕刻家把木头雕刻成这样…刚开始看很可怕,但是再看下去觉得超有意义的!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友