
最差影片:《格雷的五十道陰影》。   喔等等,還有一個!今年是首度有兩部得獎影片呢!可見競爭多激烈啊!   最差影片:《驚奇四超人》。   其他提名名單:《朱比特崛起》、《百貨戰警2》、《世界大對戰》。 廣告1   最差男配角:艾迪瑞德曼 (Eddie Redmayne),《朱比特

March 7, 2016


The Razzies, the annual award show dedicated to acknowledging Hollywood's worst mistakes of the year, were put on this weekend. Here are your 2016 "winners."



Worst Picture  -Fantastic Four (WINNER)  -Fifty Shades of Grey (WINNER)  -Jupiter Ascending  -Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2  -Pixels


最差男配角:艾迪瑞德曼 (Eddie Redmayne),《朱比特崛起》。

Worst Supporting Actor  -Eddie Redmayne - Jupiter Ascending as Balem Abrasex (WINNER)  -Chevy Chase – Hot Tub Time Machine 2 and Vacation as Hot Tub Repairman and Clark Griswold  -Josh Gad – Pixels and The Wedding Ringer as Ludlow Lamonsoff and Doug Harris  -Kevin James – Pixels as President William Cooper  -Jason Lee – Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip as David "Dave" Seville
其他提名名單:吉維蔡斯 (Chevy Chase),《扭轉時光機2》、《全家玩到趴》。
喬什蓋德 (Josh Gad),《世界大對戰》、《伴郎友沒友》。
凱文詹姆斯 (Kevin James),《世界大對戰》。
傑森李 (Jason Lee),《鼠來寶:鼠喉大作讚》。


最差男主角:傑米道南 (Jamie Dornan),《格雷的五十道陰影》。

Worst Actor  -Jamie Dornan - Fifty Shades of Grey as Christian Grey (WINNER)  -Johnny Depp – Mortdecai as Charlie Mortdecai  -Kevin James – Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 as Paul Blart  -Adam Sandler – The Cobbler and Pixels as Max Simkin and Sam Brenner  -Channing Tatum – Jupiter Ascending as Caine Wise
其他被提名人:強尼戴普 (Johnny Depp),《神鬼大盜》。
凱文詹姆斯 (Kevin James),《百貨戰警2》。
亞當山德勒 (Adam Sandler),《命運鞋奏曲》、《世界大對戰》。
查寧塔圖 (Channing Tatum),《朱比特崛起》。


最差女主角:達珂塔強森 (Dakota Johnson),《格雷的五十道陰影》。

Worst Actress  -Dakota Johnson - Fifty Shades of Grey as Anastasia Steele (WINNER)  -Katherine Heigl – Home Sweet Hell as Mona Champagne  -Mila Kunis – Jupiter Ascending as Jupiter Jones  -Jennifer Lopez – The Boy Next Door as Claire Peterson  -Gwyneth Paltrow – Mortdecai as Johanna Mortdecai
其他被提名人:凱瑟琳海格 (Katherine Heigl),《甜蜜地獄之家》。
蜜拉庫妮絲 (Mila Kunis),《朱比特崛起》。
珍妮佛羅培茲 (Jennifer Lopez),《隔壁的男孩殺過來》。
葛妮絲派特洛 (Gwyneth Paltrow),《神鬼大盜》。


最差搭檔:傑米道南 (Jamie Dornan)、達珂塔強森 (Dakota Johnson),《格雷的五十道陰影》。

Worst Couple  -Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson - Fifty Shades of Grey (WINNER)  -All four "Fantastics" (Miles Teller, Michael B. Jordan, Kate Mara, and Jamie Bell) – Fantastic Four  -Johnny Depp and his glued-on moustache – Mortdecai  -Kevin James and either his Segway or his glued-on moustache – Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2  -Adam Sandler and any pair of shoes – The Cobbler
其他被提名人:所有的「驚奇」四超人 (麥爾斯泰勒 (Miles Teller)、麥可·B·喬丹 (Michael B. Jordan)、凱特瑪拉 (Kate Mara)、傑米貝爾 (Jamie Bell)),《驚奇四超人》。
強尼戴普 (Johnny Depp) 跟他的假鬍子,《神鬼大盜》。
凱文詹姆斯 (Kevin James) 跟他的賽格威或假鬍子,《百貨戰警2》。
亞當山德勒 (Adam Sandler) 跟任何一雙鞋,《命運鞋奏曲》。


最差導演:喬什特蘭克 (Josh Trank),《驚奇四超人》。

Worst Director  Josh Trank - Fantastic Four (WINNER)  Andy Fickman – Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2  Tom Six – The Human Centipede 3 (Final Sequence)  Sam Taylor-Johnson – Fifty Shades of Grey  The Wachowskis – Jupiter Ascending
其他被提名人:Andy Fickman,《百貨戰警2》。
Tom Six,《人形蜈蚣3》。…等等這鬼東西有出到第3集?!
薩姆泰勒伍德 (Sam Taylor-Johnson),《格雷的五十道陰影》。
華卓斯基姐弟 (The Wachowskis),《朱比特崛起》。


最差女配角:卡蕾庫奧科 (Kaley Cuoco),《鼠來寶:鼠喉大作讚》、《伴郎友沒友》。

Worst Supporting Actress  -Kaley Cuoco – Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip (voice only) and The Wedding Ringer as Eleanor and Gretchen Palmer (WINNER)  -Rooney Mara – Pan as Tiger Lily  -Michelle Monaghan – Pixels as Lieutenant   -Colonel Violet van Patten Julianne Moore – Seventh Son as Mother Malkin  -Amanda Seyfried – Love the Coopers and Pan as Ruby and Mary
其他被提名人:魯妮瑪拉 (Rooney Mara),《潘恩:航向夢幻島》。
蜜雪兒摩納漢 (Michelle Monaghan),《世界大對戰》。
茱莉安摩爾 (Julianne Moore),《第七傳人》。
亞曼達塞佛瑞 (Amanda Seyfried),《聖誕好家在》、《潘恩:航向夢幻島》。


最佳贖莓獎:席維斯史特龍 (Sylvester Stallone),從多次金酸莓獎得主到2015的大獎競爭者《金牌拳手》。

The Redeemer Award  Sylvester Stallone – From all-time Razzie champ to 2015 award contender for Creed (WINNER)  Elizabeth Banks – From Razzie “winning” director for Movie 43 to directing the 2015 hit film Pitch Perfect 2  M. Night Shyamalan – From Perennial Razzie nominee and “winner” to directing the 2015 horror hit The Visit  Will Smith – For following up Razzie “wins” for After Earth to starring in Concussion
其他被提名人:伊莉莎白班克絲 (Elizabeth Banks),從靠《激愛543》贏得最差導演獎的導演,到2015的熱門大片《歌喉讚2》。
奈特沙馬蘭 (M. Night Shyamalan),從多次金酸莓獎提名和得獎,到2015賣座恐怖片《探訪》。
威爾史密斯 (Will Smith),從《地球過後》贏得金酸莓獎到2015年的《震盪效應》。



Worst Reboot or Sequel  -Fantastic Four (20th Century Fox) – Simon Kinberg, Matthew Vaughn, Hutch Parker, Robert Kulzer, Gregory Goodman (WINNER)  -Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip (20th Century Fox) – Janice Karman, Ross Bagdasarian  -Hot Tub Time Machine 2 (Paramount/Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer) – Andrew Panay  -The Human Centipede 3 (Final Sequence) (IFC Midnight) – Tom Six, Ilona Six  -Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 (Columbia) – Todd Garner, Kevin James, Adam Sandler



Worst Screenplay  -Fifty Shades of Grey – Kelly Marcel, from the novel by E. L. James (WINNER)  -Fantastic Four – Jeremy Slater, Simon Kinberg and Josh Trank from the Marvel Comics characters by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby  -Jupiter Ascending – The Wachowskis  -Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 – Nick Bakay and Kevin James  -Pixels – Tim Herlihy and Timothy Dowling, story: Tim Herlihy, from the short film by Patrick Jean  Via The Razzies



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分類:星聞, 世界
加入粉絲團! 2016「金酸莓獎完整名單」終於揭曉,「年度大贏家」果然就是那部片…留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友