这个女生用她的快要坏掉的 iPhone 录制了这支让全世界疯狂的MV。

在Molly Kate Kestner从高中毕业之前,她在4月20号PO了她自己写的一首歌 “His Daughter”。现在这首歌已经有900万了浏览次数。 廣告1 会有这么多的人关注这个女孩子的歌的原因不是因为他唱得很好,而是她的歌里面的歌词和意义超越了她该有的成熟度。在歌词里

July 16, 2014

Molly Kate Kestner从高中毕业之前,她在4月20号PO了她自己写的一首歌 “His Daughter”。现在这首歌已经有900万了浏览次数。


会有这么多的人关注这个女孩子的歌的原因不是因为他唱得很好,而是她的歌里面的歌词和意义超越了她该有的成熟度。在歌词里面,这个受到虐待的女孩子正在面对一个人生中很重大的难关,那就是她不知道怎么样再继续相信。她在问 “如果真的有一个上帝”,因为她”又怕而且又迷失方向,她无处可逃。”




来源: HuffPost

“Everything′s gonna be alright.” “一切都会没事”
She whispers to herself. 她小声地对自己说。
She was only 6 years old that night. 那晚她只有六岁。
As she hid behind that shelf. 她躲在那个书柜后面。
Cause daddy had a little too much to drink. 因为爸爸喝得太多了。
And mama didn′t want her to feel the pain she felt. 而妈妈不想要她感受到痛苦。
But she still felt the pain… 但是她还是感受到了痛苦。
Well 10 years they came and went, 十年来了又去,
and dad was gone. 爸爸走了。
So she looked for love in other men. 她开始从别的男生身上找爱。
And tried to act strong. 然后试着假装坚强。
Broken hearts and Scars in only places she could see. 只有她才看得到的心碎和创伤。
Cause she just wanted, she just wanted to feel something. 因为她只想要再能够感觉。
And as she sat there on that bed, 当她坐在床上时,
thinking bout what those girls said, 想到了那些女孩子说的话,
tears streamed down her eyes. 眼泪从她的眼里流出来。
She cried… 她哭了…
“If there′s a God out there “如果真的有一个上帝
Please hear my prayer. 请听到我的祈祷。
I′m lost and I′m scared, 我迷失了而且我很害怕,
and I′ve got nowhere else to go. 我已经无处可逃了。
I′ve come a long, long way. 我走了很远很远的路。
But I′m not sure I can make it much farther… 我不知道我有没有办法再继续下去…
So if you′re listening, could you give a helping hand. 如果你在听,请帮助我。
To your daughter.” 帮助你的女儿。”
Well her path started to change. 她的人生开始改变。
She reached out and grabbed God′s grace. 她伸出手抓到了神的恩典。
And finally, she saw a light. 她终于看到了一束光。
Until that night… 直到那个晚上…
Where she decided one drink was alright,  她决定喝一杯没有关系,
and one thing led to another. 但是结果发生了一件事情。
Next thing you know, 9 months go by, 9个月过去了, 
she′s a mother. 她已经是一个母亲了。
And as she laid there in that bed, 当她躺在床上,
Stroking that small angel′s head. 梳着小天使的头。
Tears streamed down her eyes. 眼泪从她的眼里流出来。
She cried… 她哭了…
“If there′s a God out there. “如果真的有一个上帝
Please hear my prayer. 请听到我的祈祷。
I′m lost and I′m scared, 我迷失了而且我很害怕,
and I′ve got nowhere else to run. 我已经无处可逃了。
I′ve come a long, long way. 我走了很远很远的路。
But I′m not sure I can be the best mother… 我不知道我有没有办法成为一个好的妈妈…
So if you′re listening, could you give a helping hand. 如果你在听,请帮助我。
To your daughter.” 帮助你的女儿。”
Well that baby grew into a boy. 后来那个小婴儿变成了一个小男孩。
Who became her pride and joy. 他成为了她的骄傲和快乐。
He loved her like no man could. 他给了她没有人可以给她的爱。
And her heart felt peace, cause she finally understood. 然后她的心感到了平静,因为她终于了解了。
God′s love. 神的爱。
And as she laid there in that bed, 当她躺在床上,
99 years old. 已经99岁了。
She grabbed her son′s hand and said. 她抓着她的儿子的手然后说。
“There′s something you must know…” “有一件事情你必须知道…”
“There is a God up there. “上天真的有一个上帝,
Who heard my prayer. 听到了我的祈祷。
I was lost and afraid. 我又迷失而且又害怕。
And I had nowhere else to go. 而且我无处可逃。
I had no clue, what to do 我完全不知道该怎么做
And then He sent me you.” 然后祂派了你来给我。”
So if you′re lost and afraid, 所以如果你又迷失又害怕的话,
and you feel so alone, 如果你感到寂寞的话,
don′t worry child, 孩子不要担心,
cause there′s a Father who will love you as His own. 因为有一个爱你像你是祂亲生的一个父亲。
Just like he loved his daughter. 就像祂爱祂的女儿。
Like he loved His daughter. 像祂爱祂的女儿。
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分類:星闻, 世界
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