
1. 保時捷自1998年便將北美總部設置在亞特蘭大。   2. 而最近他們則宣布完成了佔地約3萬3千坪 (27英畝) 的新體驗中心。 廣告1   3. 而這座體驗中心也是保時捷在家鄉德國以外、所投注最多資金建造的設施,據傳他們花了約1億美元 (約30億台幣)。   4. 你一定很好奇這座華

May 14, 2015

1. 保時捷自1998年便將北美總部設置在亞特蘭大。

Porsche North America has called Atlanta home since 1998.


2. 而最近他們則宣布完成了佔地約3萬3千坪 (27英畝) 的新體驗中心。

But with the new 27-acre facility, Porsche has created an opportunity to connect with current and prospective buyers.


3. 而這座體驗中心也是保時捷在家鄉德國以外、所投注最多資金建造的設施,據傳他們花了約1億美元 (約30億台幣)。

In fact, the new Porsche compound is the largest investment the company has ever made outside Germany.


4. 你一定很好奇這座華麗的保時捷體驗中心,裡面提供了什麼服務吧?

So what do the new HQ and Porsche Experience Center offer?


5. 他們提供了一個長1.6英里 (約2.57公里) 的高速行駛測試跑道,

How about a 1.6-mile, high-speed test track.


6. 在這個專門設計的賽道上,保時捷駕駛能夠盡情地將保時捷跑車發揮到極限。

Here, drivers will be able to push the handling of their Porsches to the limits.


7. 這裡也提供了越野賽道,如果你想來一點狂野的嘗試。

And there's an off-road course, where drivers can get a little muddy.


8. 這個保時捷體驗中心也提供了2種操控課程和1種防範課程、教導消費者在汽車失控時該怎麼臨機應變。



9. 體驗中心裡頭也設置了一個人體機能中心,裡頭有數名專家能給予駕駛優化體能的建議。

Inside, the PEC features a human-performance center, where experts can optimize the fitness of the driver.


10. 而內部也有設置駕駛模擬器。

There's also a driving simulator.


11. 在建築裡頭四處都能看見保時捷的輝煌歷史…

Inside, you'll find a gallery of classic Porsches from the company's illustrious past ...


12. 像是這台Brumos保時捷賽車。

... such as this Brumos Racing Porsche and ...


13. 或是經典的保時捷356 Speedster…

... the classic Porsche 356 Speedster or ...


14. 當然還有年代久遠的保時捷相關物品在裡頭陳列。

... some cool artifacts from Porsche's past.


15. 在裡面想吃東西的話,可以到這間”356餐廳”。

Those interested in fine dining can drop by Restaurant 356.


16. 餐廳的地板完全展現出一種疾速奔馳的感覺…連喝杯咖啡都好像坐在保時捷跑車上啊!

Enjoy a nice meal as you take in the driving action on the test track.


17. 這裡也有讓人放鬆一下的Carrera咖啡廳。

There's also space to relax at the Carrera Cafe.


18. 牆上也有保時捷的傳奇執行長Ferry Porsche的肖像。

Here's a mural of legendary company executive Ferry Porsche.


19. 在這間設計工作室裡頭,顧客可以在這裡規劃設計自己夢想中的車款。

There's also a Porsche design studio, where customers can configure their future cars.


20. 當然也包含了一間禮品店囉!

Naturally, there's a gift shop.


21. 當然也不會忘記談公事囉!這個保時捷體驗中心也有約13000平方英尺 (約365坪) 的商用空間,提供談公事或開會之用。

On the business end, the facility features 13,000 sq. ft. of business and meeting space.


22. 順帶一提,這座保時捷體驗中心其實並不只有對擁有保時捷的消費者開放而已,任何有興趣的民眾都能去體驗看看!

Ultimately, the best part is that you don't even need to be a Porsche owner to experience the awesomeness of the new facility.</p><br />
<p>via Business Insider & Porsche

來源:Business Insider|Porsche


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加入粉絲團! 保時捷在北美總部設置3萬3千坪的新體驗中心,裡面完全就是愛車人士的夢幻天堂啊!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友