小萌貓天生無法平衡「將弱點變萌點」 歪頭撒嬌直接貓奴get!

有時候和寵物的相遇,真的就是緣份!在加拿大安大略省的漢彌爾頓動物收容所 (City of Hamilton Animal Services) 裡,前陣子收留了一隻可愛到不行的貓咪,雖然長得很萌,工作人員卻幫忙取了一個帥氣的名字叫做「傑克船長 (Captain Jack) 」,只不過帥氣又可愛的牠,卻是

July 4, 2018

有時候和寵物的相遇,真的就是緣份!在加拿大安大略省的漢彌爾頓動物收容所 (City of Hamilton Animal Services) 裡,前陣子收留了一隻可愛到不行的貓咪,雖然長得很萌,工作人員卻幫忙取了一個帥氣的名字叫做「傑克船長 (Captain Jack) 」,只不過帥氣又可愛的牠,卻是一隻有點小缺陷的小貓。














**up-date** Captain Jack would like to thank everyone that shared and sent well wishes and kind comments his way. We received an overwhelming response on his post and we are delighted to tell you that he has dropped anchor at a new home already!! Adoption Option Thursday!! Weebles wobble but they don’t fall down!! Meet Captain Jack who is ready to set sail for a furever home!! This little kitten arrived at Animal Services as a stray but he was different than other kittens. He went to the vet for an exam and x-rays and thankfully nothing physically is wrong with him, but he was diagnosed with Cerebellar Hypoplasia. Feline cerebellar hypoplasia is a non-progressive, non-contagious neurological condition that results in walking and balance problems. A kitten is born with “CH” when her cerebellum, the part of the brain that controls fine motor skills and coordination, is underdeveloped at birth. Cerebellar growth can be stunted by a number of factors, most commonly if the mother contracted the feline panleukopenia virus while pregnant or if there was some sort of trauma to the kittens while they were in the womb. Consequently, an underdeveloped cerebellum can result in underdeveloped or complicated mobility. CH cats are known for their “drunken sailor” walk, which is why they’re known endearingly as “wobbly cats.” It’s important to remember that the cat isn’t sick, weak or hurt; she’s simply uncoordinated. Unless a CH cat has other health issues, her life expectancy is the same as a cat’s without CH. One of the great things about CH cats is that they don’t seem to know that they’re any different from other cats. Even though they may think they’re normal, depending on the severity of their CH, they may be somewhat limited in ability and learn how to do things differently. Consequently, CH cat owners may find ways to help their cat become more capable. Because of his condition, Captain Jack is a special needs kitty but he’s still one of the sweetest kittens you’ll ever meet, and what he lacks in coordination he makes up in personality. If you are interested in adopting Captain Jack, please call us at (905) 574-3433.

City of Hamilton Animal Services 發佈於 2018年6月28日 星期四


參考資料:City of Hamilton Animal Services
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分類:世界, 動物
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