
你聽過「清醒夢」嗎?清醒夢就是你在作夢時神智是清醒的。作清醒夢的時候,你有能力控制你在夢中的行動,這讓你可以自由飛翔、高速奔馳,甚至改變周圍環境。或許有人會覺得這很詭異,但如果你問問有這種經驗的人,他們應該都會說這超酷的!   不是每個人都能作清醒夢,

November 19, 2015


Lucid dreaming is defined as being aware that you are dreaming, while you're in a dream. While this may be a bit unsettling to some, lucid dreaming allows you to have control of your dream, giving you unworldly abilities such as the ability to fly, run at ridiculous speeds, and even teleport. Essentially, while lucid dreaming you can create the world around you. The only drawback is that it takes work to be able to do this. Take it from someone who has experienced a lucid dream, it's worth the effort. Below are simple techniques to help you get there.



Keep A Dream Journal
Keep a journal by your bed at night so that as soon as you wake up you can write down your dreams. Don't just recall the events, but describe how you felt and what different sensations you experienced. Over time you will notice patterns and similarities amongst dreams, giving you a better chance at noticing these things while you're dreaming, thus inducing a lucid dream.


第二招,時常檢查你在現實中而非夢境。在你的日常生活中,你可以用一些簡單的方法檢查你在現實,最簡單的方法就是看時鐘 (把你們手中的陀螺收起來!)。

Check your reality often
Throughout your normal day, start to perform simple reality checks. Checking the time is the most common reality check because in dreams, clocks will either be blurry or the clock face will change when you look away and look back. By integrating reality checks into your daily routine, you will eventually start to do them in your dreams, tipping yourself off that you're dreaming. Cue lucid dream.


第三招,對自己說「我會意識到我在作夢」。躺在床上的時候別數羊了,改成對自己說這句話,這是一種叫做「清醒夢記憶誘發法」 (Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreaming) 的方法,這會讓你在腦中留下這個習慣,讓你在作夢時能保持意識清醒。

Repeat "I will be aware that I'm dreaming" 
As you lay down to go to sleep, instead of counting sheep, repeat this phrase to yourself over and over until you drift off. This method is called Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreaming, as it draws upon memory aids to form a habit of being aware that you're dreaming.



Recognize Dream Signs
Have you ever experienced something in dreams that you know you've seen before. Maybe your teeth fall out or you end up going in public without your clothes on. The more you recognize these common occurrences, the easier it will be to notice that you are in a dream.



After being waking up from a dream, drift back to sleep
While a dream is still fresh in your head and you are still tired, think about something in that dream that will be a sign that you're dreaming as you fall back asleep. This will help you to pick up on that sign and allow you to better tell that you're dreaming.



Purchase a light alarm
Seeing strange lights in dreams can tip you off that you're dreaming. So, buy yourself a light alarm and set it to go off periodically through the night. Cover it with a thin sheet so that the light isn't too bright. With this method, you don't want to accidentally wake yourself.



Use the wake back to bed method
Set your alarm to go off in 4.5, 6, or 7 hours after you fall asleep. These are the times that you're likely be in REM sleep. When you awake from the alarm, write your dream down, and stay awake for about 45 minutes. Eat a snack or walk around during this time to get your conscious mind active. After 45 minutes, head back to bed and concentrate on the dream. As you are drifting off, tap your fingers in a rhythmic pattern to keep your mind focused on the original dream until you fall asleep. After all of this it is way easier for your mind to decipher between dreams and reality.



Learning to meditate is not a simple task, but after learning to do this, lucid dreaming can be more easily triggered. Before bed, allow yourself some time to meditate so that you can clear your mind and naturally slip into a lucid dream state. While it may seem easy, this is one of the least successful ways to lucid dream.



Prolong a lucid dream as it begins to fade
A lot of people who are successful in reaching a lucid state will immediately wake up because their heart rate will rise from excitement. To avoid this frustration, there are several techniques to keep you in the dream. One is to rub your hands together to distract you from other bodily sensations. Another technique is to spin your body around in your dream as this will also take focus off of what your body is feeling.



Play more video games
Playing video games can give you a better perspective on what's reality and what isn't. Thus, people who play video games frequently are more likely to lucid dream as they are much better at picking out the differences from dream state to reality. Video games also provide you with the ability to control a character in a fictional universe, very similar to what lucid dreaming is like. 

Lucid dreaming is not an easy thing to achieve and it takes time and effort to get there. If you're interested in doing it, keep up your techniques for weeks at a time and eventually it may work. Some people can do it very easily, while others are completely incapable. Wherever you stand, happy dreaming. 

打電動能讓你更能清楚辨別現實與非現實的不同,所以常打電動的人會更常作清醒夢 (我以自身經驗保證這是真的!),而且電玩通常能讓你在虛擬世界操控一個角色,這也跟清醒夢的狀態很像!



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分類:星聞, 世界
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